How To Block EMF While Sleeping in 10 Steps

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Block EMF While Sleeping

Electromagnetic Fields or EMFs affect people when they are sleeping and when they are awake. During the day, it’s easier to consciously avoid the radiation brought on by the modern world. During the night, it’s easy to forget the damage that can occur from these invisible invading forces.

How do you block EMF while sleeping?

  1. Reduce your exposure to your electronic devices.
  2. Reduce your exposure to WiFi-accessible areas.
  3. Remove Smart Meters from your home.
  4. Read a book before bed instead of watching TV or reading a tablet.
  5. Protect your devices with EMF blocking cases.
  6. Go with wired devices over wireless devices.
  7. Unplug all unnecessary appliances.
  8. Install EMF shielding devices in your bedroom and home.
  9. Invest in an EMF meter.
  10. Talk to your neighbors and friends about EMF pollution and exposure.

Sleep lets us recharge our batteries and stay healthy and active for the next day, but it can also be the time when we leave ourselves vulnerable to harmful EMF. Even if you protect yourself during the day, eight hours at night can undo all your hard work unless precautions are taken to block the radiation from every source.

1. Reduce Your Exposure to Your Cell Phone and Computer

Cell Phones

It’s already recommended that we don’t walk around with our cell phones in our pockets. Radiation transmitted from cellular towers to our phones can be harmful to our bodies — especially considering the fact that many of us keep our phones as close to us as possible.

We don’t need our phones when we’re sleeping, so this precaution should be relatively easy to follow. Instead of sleeping with your phone on your bed, keep it on the nightstand instead.

Better yet, while sleeping, keep your phone in a different room if at all possible. Your phone can charge just as easily in the kitchen as it can in your bedroom, and the health benefits speak for themselves.

What If I Use My Phone as an Alarm?

Buy an alarm clock. If you’re used to using your phone as an alarm clock, it might be a good time to invest in a cheap digital clock to keep on your nightstand.

While digital clocks technically still produce EMF, the amount is negligible. The real harm in a cell phone comes from the signals constantly being sent back and forth to cell towers. Even if no calls or texts are being made, signals are still sent to test and report the strength of your cell service.

If You Must Have Your Phone Near Your Bed

Those of us who really prefer to keep our phones in the room can follow a very simple rule: use airplane mode when going to bed.

There are already features like night mode and silent mode that many people already use when going to bed. Turning on airplane mode accomplishes the same goal while drastically eliminating EMF.

In switching to airplane mode before bed, you are essentially turning your phone to a digital alarm clock. No signals will bounce back and forth; therefore, virtually no EMFs will be felt.


For many, it’s easier to limit the use of computers at night. Keeping your computer in the other room is always the simplest solution, but it might not work for everyone.

Computers usually don’t have access to cellular networks, though a growing number of people use devices that provide on-the-go internet access via cell towers. In any case, computers ideally should be shut off or disconnected from wireless signals, just like phones.

If you watch TV or movies before bed on your laptop, try downloading content first, then turning off WiFi when it’s time to wind down. Your computer will turn from a sender and receiver of EMFs to a relatively harmless TV screen.

Ideally, all devices will be turned off before bed, but eliminating any WiFi or cellular signals is a great place to start. Digital electronics might be essential, but signals between antennas are easily avoidable.

2. Reduce Your Exposure to WiFi Coverage Areas

We’re led to believe that easy WiFi access is the hallmark of any good public space or home. It’s easy to forget that comfort and safety aren’t always the same thing.

Eight hours of unnecessary exposure to EMF can and should be eliminated.

WiFi works by providing internet accessibility to a certain radius of space around the modem. We can connect to the internet in this space because the modem puts out an EMF that our devices are able to recognize. What would sound like magic to a person from 30 years ago should sound like a potential source of harm to a person looking to avoid EMF exposure.

At night, WiFi is only good for two things: creating a zone of EMF while you sleep and running up the fills (internet and electricity). We don’t have to avoid every WiFi accessible space but avoiding the signal at night can only do us good. If the WiFi isn’t needed after 9 PM, you don’t need your modem plugged in. It’s as simple as that.

Try thinking of it this way:

It might sound crazy but try and pretend your WiFi coverage area is a field of mist or smoke. Everywhere you go through the mist, you will breathe it in. The only way to avoid breathing in the mist is to leave the field of coverage. During the day you can leave the field, but at night this will be impossible. The only way to guarantee your safety is to remove the WiFi from the equation.

Figure out when the WiFi isn’t being used, then turn off the modem. The only difficult part is to remember to plug it back in!

3. Remove Smart Meters From Your Household

Smart Meters are electronic devices that allow for near-constant communication between a household and the electricity supplier. Smart Meters differ from typical electricity meters in that they allow for two-way communication between your home and your electric company.

These devices are thought to save on electricity, but in reality, they only create a high volume of EMF. Smart Meters typically communicate via wireless technology like WiFi and will generate communications at an almost constant rate. Even if all your devices are switched off, Smart Meters will still send and receive signals unless your WiFi is switched off as well.

If you have decided to switch off your WiFi at night, EMFs will obviously still be emitted during the day, and issues might arise with your home’s electricity at night. It is safer to opt for traditional AMR — Automatic Meter Reading — which only sends one-way signals. This way, turning off your WiFi at night will not interrupt how your power consumption is monitored and recorded.

Smart Meters vs. Automatic Meter Reading

Since limiting EMFs is reliant upon monitoring power consumption and exposure across all devices, it is very helpful for your electricity meter to function as intended. Most apartments and rental properties will likely rely upon AMRs anyway, so this option makes the most sense for homeowners or those renovating and reevaluating.

There is much debate about the effectiveness of Smart Meters for actually fulfilling their intended function as electricity savers, so there is really little (if any) need for these devices. Smart Meters constantly pulse in order to send and receive information to the electric company and are like cell phones that are constantly looking for signals.

If you are looking into a Smart Meter and you are looking into a solution for excessive EMF pollution, look no further. Opt for a traditional AMR meter instead.

4. Read a Book Before Bed

This sounds like an obvious solution, and it is. If the choice comes down to digital or analog, always choose analog whenever possible. If the choice comes down to electronic versus paper, always choose paper whenever possible. When it comes to blocking EMF while sleeping, the old fashion options are almost always the safest.

We live in an era when it’s close to impossible to avoid digital technologies, but the keyword here is almost. Bookstores aren’t as common as they used to be, but they are still open for business. The next time you’re looking for a book, opt for the paperback instead of the digital version. Your cells, DNA, and eyes will thank you. Trust us.

An Old-Fashioned Read Is a Better Habit

Getting in the habit of going for the paper option will prevent potentially hours of unnecessary exposure to EMFs. Think about it. You hold your tablet in your hands, or you balance it on your lap. Even if your cell phone is charging in the next room and your tablet is disconnected from the WiFi, you’re still getting radiation that you simply don’t need.

Reading a book before bed will also serve as a great reminder to keep your distance from electronics whenever possible. Not only will the lack of blue light from a digital screen provide you with a better night’s sleep, but you will also crave your devices less after waking up. Plus, you can be as close to your book as you want without absorbing harmful radiation.

Be safe and smart whenever you can. The digital version of a book will cost less than the new hardcover edition, but the used paperback will probably be the cheapest option of all. The safest option can also be the cheapest option!

5. Protect Your Devices With EMF Blocking Cases

EMF Blocking CasesPhones, computers, and tablets are all necessary in this modern world. They are undisputed sources of EMFs, but they are also undisputed sources of information and tools for work for many of us. How else would you read this?

Hopefully, you are already sleeping in a different room from your electronic devices, but there’s another option in case that’s not feasible for you. EMF blocking cases for phones, computers, and tablets are a wonderful way to protect yourself from harmful radiation. Switching devices to airplane mode or turning off the WiFi might only get you so far but encasing them in a physical barrier should complete the job.

There are many products on the market that block the EMFs emitted by electronics, but the Defendershield is the best on the market. They make a wide variety of cases for smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

Check out my top 5 recommendations for EMF blocking cases.

Do EMF-blocking Cases Really Work?

Such cases are proven to be 99% effective at blocking harmful radiation generated by electronics — especially wireless devices that access cellular and WiFi networks. If you are going to charge your phone on your nightstand, EMF blocking cases are a perfect option to make sure you are protected while you sleep.

Also read my article  EMF Protection for Living Rooms

This option isn’t quite as safe as the 100% effective method of reading a book instead of a tablet before bed, but it’s extremely close.

Some people need to read emails for work before bed or catch up on reading that can’t be done from a book. With EMF blocking cases, there is virtually nothing to worry about. Just make sure to put the device down and as far away as possible before you go to sleep.

6. Choose Wired Over Wireless Whenever Possible

These days, ‘Wireless’ is another buzzword for the new and the technologically-advanced. Wireless phones have been available for decades, but wireless headphones and wireless cell phone chargers are becoming more commonplace lately.

While these advancements can make 21st-century life simpler and more seamless, they can also increase EMF exposure.

In some ways, it’s very simple to avoid wireless technologies. Smartphones come with wired chargers and wired headphones. These slightly older technologies generate some level of EMFs, but they are relatively harmless when compared to their wireless cousins.

Once other technologies, such as Bluetooth, are introduced, the risk of EMF exposure rises.

What About My Wireless Headphones?

Wearing wireless headphones requires a signal from your phone to your ears, instead of an almost insignificant amount of electrical current through a wire. Any idea what’s between your ears? Your brain!

Wireless might be a little easier but wired is a lot safer! Not only are you eliminating the risk of EMFs going to your brain, but you’re also cutting down on the amount of invisible radiation traveling around your environment. Cutting the WiFi when possible, will only go so far. It’s crucial to cut down on all the radiation around you.

Opting for wireless is a surefire way to decrease your exposure to radiation. After all, wireless might as well be called radiation-full. Bluetooth technology operates under non-ionizing radiation, just like a microwave does. The exposure might be a little different, but the principle and classification are exactly the same. Don’t take a risk you don’t need to take!

7. Unplug Every Appliance You Don’t Need

As with several suggestions on this list, cutting down on EMFs will also cut down on spending! Even though the electric companies tend to offer the cheapest rates at night, eliminating any unneeded electronics from the grid could do wonders.

And after all, what do you really need to be plugged in beside the alarm clock and the refrigerator? Simply make a list of all your essential electronics and remove the rest.

A standard list of essential electronics might look something like this:

  1. Refrigerator
  2. Alarm clock
  3. Cell phone

Those with conditions like sleep apnea will obviously add a CPAP machine to their list of essential devices, and everyone has different needs to address. The takeaway is that there are always unnecessary electronics that consume some amount of electricity at night. The name of the game is to eliminate what isn’t necessary.

Smoke detectors run off of batteries, and lights can be easily switched back on when necessary.

Other Ideas for Lighting the Way

It might be a good idea to invest in some glow-in-the-dark paint to highlight light-switches or potential problem areas when necessary. The paint will only be visible at night and will glow for years and years after application. Never compromise safety!

If you have kids, it can be a fun activity to arrange glow in the dark stars in lieu of night-lights. You can even turn painting signs around light-switches into an arts and crafts project!

8. Install EMF Shielding in Your Bedroom and Home

Not only can you protect your devices from emitting EMFs, but you can also actually protect the entire home. There are many ways to supplement your already protected phone, laptop, and tablet. Here are three very helpful ways to directly shield you from EMFs while you sleep.

  • EMF-blocking paint
  • EMF-blocking bed canopies
  • EMF-blocking shield

EMF-blocking Paint

EMF-blocking Paint

EMF blocking paint will transform any wall or ceiling into a barrier to keep out harmful radiation. Anyone in an apartment building who is especially concerned about blocking EMFs from every angle should invest in EMF blocking paint.

You don’t have to cover every surface of your home with the stuff, but this is a great way to protect rooms like your bedroom from excessive EMFs.

Check out my recommended EMF blocking paint.

EMF-blocking Bed Canopy

EMF blocking bed canopies are like bug-blocking canopies. If you can’t keep out every trace of radiation, or if it seems too daunting to paint your walls and ceilings, canopies are an excellent option.

Radiation will not make its way past the canopy, just like a mosquito will not make its way past a canopy designed for bugs. In fact, these are a great option to protect yourself both from pesky EMFs and mosquitoes!

Read my EMF bed canopies buying guide.

EMF-blocking Shield

EMF blocking shields aren’t quite what they sound like. While EMF blocking paint will turn any surface into a shield, EMF blocking shields will absorb any radiation within a certain radius.

EMF blocking shields work almost like modems. They are plug-in devices (ironically) that provide a certain area of coverage. Most homes can make do with one shield, whereas large homes might require more than one to cover every square foot of space.

These technologies will transform your home into a fortress against EMFs. A bedroom painted with EMF blocking paint, coupled with an EMF blocking canopy around the bed, and finished off with an EMF shield will leave you virtually invincible. You should be able to sleep soundly!

9. Measure Your EMF Pollution

Invest in an EMF meter if you don’t already have one. You can take every precaution in the book and still not quite know what the levels are like in your bedroom. This item isn’t crucial in the sense that following the previous steps will all but eliminate EMFs from your home, but it will eliminate any remaining doubt that you are secure.

The Trifield TF2 EMF Meter (see it on Amazon) is my choice out of the many devices on the market today. Read my hands-on review.

Accuracy and precision are almost unparalleled when it comes to this device, and the peace of mind it will give you is unmatched. The device is more affordable than many other options out there, and the LCD screen is very easily read and understood.

After removing all sources of EMFs from your bedroom and home, an EMF meter will guarantee your safety beyond question.

10. Spread The Word About EMF Pollution

You’ve already taken every possible precaution against EMF pollution in your home. Right? Wrong, unfortunately. Most of us live in the proximity of neighbors who might not have taken every possible precaution. Even if every inch of your home is painted with EMF blocking paint, there are always open windows and blind spots.

Unless you live in a very remote area where neighbors are miles away, chances are you will probably be affected by EMFs generated by your neighbors. If you live in an apartment, the sheer number of WiFi networks that pop up on your devices will have already clued you into this problem.

Think about it: your bedroom is completely free of electronic devices, and everything but the refrigerator is unplugged. In an apartment, there is probably someone above you and someone below you and someone across the wall from you. In a house, there is probably another house on either side of you. Your individual efforts can only go so far!

You don’t need to become an activist who goes door-to-door through your apartment building and neighborhood, but ideally, you can discuss some of your helpful solutions with those around you.

Your bedroom and home can be completely protected, but it’s the world around you that needs to change as well. Cellular towers aren’t going down any time soon… and we don’t really want them to. But if everyone decided to reduce their usage and increase their awareness, we wouldn’t have to worry about the dangers of EMF pollution. So, until the day comes where we have figured out everything harmful to us and how to stop it, spread the word whenever you can. Everyone wants to live in a safe world.

Can EMF Affect Sleep?

It is generally held that EMF does not affect how well we sleep. Some studies have shown that EMF can have some impact on our brains during sleep, but this effect is likely dwarfed by the psychological component. In short, worrying about EMFs will affect our sleep-quality more than the actual radiation.

But how can EMF affect our brains but not our sleep-quality? Research done with an EEG or Electroencephalogram shows that our brains are affected to a degree by pulse-emitting devices like smartphones or smart meters. Our brains and bodies function based on electromagnetic pulses, so it stands to reason that we will be affected by outside sources of electromagnetism.

Of course, you won’t have to worry about how EMF does or does not affect your sleep if your home is an EMF safe haven, but you can never be too careful. Some of us might have an EMF sensitivity, in which case the radiation might well affect sleep-quality. But for the general population, EMF does not affect sleep.

Symptoms of EMF Overexposure

  • Headache
  • Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Skin Irritation
  • Concentration Issues
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Heart Palpitations


EHS stands for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. While there is much debate over EHS in the scientific community, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers the condition serious enough to merit further study. As its name suggests, sufferers of EHS deal with hypersensitivity to electricity of all forms.

Sufferers of EHS are particularly susceptible to the normally innocuous EMF radiation that is only a threat to most of us over the course of yours. While the rest of us want to guard against EMF when we’re sleeping — over the course of hours, days, and years — sufferers of EHS will experience symptoms of EMF overexposure almost immediately.

Further Reading is a great resource for finding your closest cell towers. Cell towers are a leading culprit in exposure to EMFs. This website is a great place to guarantee that one of the biggest and most unmovable sources of EMF will not go unnoticed and untreated.

The World Health Organization has compiled an extremely helpful entry on the latest medical knowledge of the effects of EMF on our health. There will always be conflicting information when it comes to our health, but the WHO is an undisputed source of what’s best for our bodies.